Travelling is an amazing way to broaden a person’s mind. It is exciting to meet new people, observe culture, and make memories first hand. The more of this world you see, the more you realize there is to learn.

The amount of thought and planning you put into your trip is paramount to its success. There are plenty of options to consider in different aspects of your trip. So we will go through the essentials to make sure you’re all ready for your vacation.

The following is a list of essentials for travelling that everyone should be aware of. It is divided up into two categories – packing and planning.

1. Planning

Know your destination

When planning to travel to your dream vacation, do your research in advance and stay informed of anything that might cause hindrance to your trip.

Prepare for emergency

Find and write down the location and contact info of the nearest US embassy or consulate at your travel destination. Consular personnel are there to assist you in case of emergencies 24 hours a day.

Handling money

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Check and understand the exchange rate beforehand, inform your bank and credit card companies that you are going on vacation, and use traveler’s checks instead of cash and credit cards.

Law and culture

A careful traveler will always do the homework to abide by the local law and respect the culture of the vacation destination.


There are a few countries that require travelers to present the international certificate of vaccination, as proof that you’ve had you medical tests before entering their country.

2. Packing

Your bag is your life on vacation. The smaller it is, the more convenient it’ll be, and the closer you can stick to it, the happier you will be. Here is a list of things that should be in your travel bag.

Other than a valid passport, you need to have two copies of each of the following documents in case the originals are lost or stolen.

  • Airline ticket
  • Credit cards brought on the trip
  • Driver’s license
  • Foreign visa
  • Hotel confirmation
  • Itinerary
  • Passport ID page
  • Proof of vaccination
  • Travel Insurance
  • Traveler’s check serial numbers


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If are on medication remember to pack enough to last the entire trip, factoring in possible delays. Pack medications in your carry bag as luggage is often delayed.

Always keep your doctors prescriptions with you as some countries have strict restrictions on bringing medication. Also, take sun screen and a first aid kit with you.

What to pack

The following items are the minimum essentials required for a standard trip to the southeast. 2 bag packs, 60 liter and 18 liter will accommodate the following.


  • Trouser x2 – Try trousers that can convert into shorts, multi task.
  • Jeans x2 – For those rare times you need to get dressed
  • Shorts x1 – For a walk on the beach
  • Swim shorts x1 – Conon ball the hotel pool!
  • Long sleeve top x1 – Save sunscreen!
  • T-shirts x5
  • Shirt x1 – When you merit an invitation to a posh event
  • Polo shirt x1
  • Water proof jacket x1 – You never know when this might come in handy.


  • Flip-flops
  • Trainers
  • Underwear x10
  • Socks x5


Sunglasses – Because they make you look cool

Lighter – A gentleman always keeps a lighter (jokes aside, keep it with you as it might come in handy even if you do not smoke)


  • Deodorant
  • Razor
  • Toothbrush & paste
  • Hair wax


Camera – To capture those special moments that requires a printable reminder.

Smartphone – Loads of travel apps to help you avail the most out of your trip

Laptop – How else will you upload all the photos on Facebook and effectively create space on your memory card?

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Chargers – To juice up your electronics. Buy one of those all in one chargers to save space and avoid playing that game we all love to hate, separate the wires.

Memory cards – For when you get carried away while snapping pictures of your adventures

Power banks and spare batteries – For one of those times you don’t expect the your cell phone or camera to betray you, and there’s no power outlet around.

With everything on this list in your travel bag, you will be ready to take on the adventure ahead of you. While reading the list may seem too long to you, but once you start packing, you will see that we have only mentioned the essentials. So plan your trip, pack your bags, and bon voyage.